Monday, May 11, 2009

Zip Flies or Bust

I remember when button-fly jeans first came on to the scene, or at least when I realized such a thing existed. I actually think I thought they were a good idea for a while, which I can't comprehend today. Clothing companies should immediately discontinue the production of all button-fly jeans. It's really ridiculous. Let's see which of the following seems like a more optimal situation when you really need to do one:
1. A quick zip-down, job's pretty much done. Let loose and zip back up.
2. Get to the bathroom, undo your belt, unbutton every button on this "fly", do the deed, redo each button, one by one, re-tuck your shirt, re strap the belt. Might as well be back in kindergarten where it seemed pants-to-the-floor was proper urinal etiquette. Hey, the Rolling Stones knew what was what.
Just my two cents . . . hope you all had a great weekend.

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