Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We're All Going Streaking

ESPN's "Streak For The Cash" may be the most addictive quasi-gambling opportunity on the internet. I have been thoroughly obsessed ever since I discovered it. For those of you who are sports fans and not aware of this little contest, get involved!! It's great. ESPN simply picks a certain amount of situations to bet on. For instance, it could be as simple as who will win a particular matchup to which golfer will have a lower score on a certain hole. Not to mention the amount of times I've bet on a Cricket match (which I am now determined to understand). As you continue to make your bets, they tally your current streak. For instance, I am currently enjoying the ride of a 3 game losing streak and, thanks to Mr. Nadal, it's looking like 4. My largest winning streak was a weak 3 games and the largest streak by any streaker (that's what I'll call us) is 22. I believe the top 7 total streaks are invited to Bristol, CT to compete at the ESPN Headquarters. I guarantee you will be quickly addicted to this phenomenon, and watch out for Super Streak Thursday - it happened last week and proved to be an insanely exciting day. There were bets about 3 times an hour and the longest streak of the day won $5,000.

The best part may be the discussion boards, which I've only recently started following. It's hilarious to see how into Cricket people can get. I, personally, can't wait to find out what a wicket is. Check out the site, which can be found at and look for the Streak For The Cash section. Give it a shot, I hope you enjoy. Now back to this Nadal match . . . 26 total games or more, please!!

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